Ballyfermot Traveller Action Project

Full equality, social justice and human rights realised for members of the Traveller community, and meaningful participation of Travellers in social, economic, political and cultural life

Ballyfermot Travellers Action Project

Ballyfermot Traveller Action Project (BTAP) was founded in 2002 and is a community development project with a strong history of advocacy for the Traveller community living in the Ballyfermot area.  


Traveller and Roma Communities experience equality and their social, political, economic, cultural and human rights are realised across the island of Ireland.


To bring about significant social change which contributes to the eradication of racism, discrimination and inequalities as experienced by the Traveller and Roma communities in Ireland.


Collective Action
Community Empowerment
Social Justice and Sustainable Development
Human Rights and Equality
Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Racism