Summary Report

The Traveller and Roma Education Community Development Worker Scheme supports the employment of Traveller and Roma Education Community Development Worker(s) to address the challenges surrounding the participation, retention and progression of Traveller and Roma children through the education system. The goals of the Traveller and Roma Education Community Development Worker Scheme are:
  1. To identify the local education needs/ experiences of Traveller and Roma children and young people and develop the local action plan in implement this project
  2. To improve the learning experience and outcomes for Traveller and Roma students in schools.
  3. To improve parental/guardian engagement with the school community and foster an appreciation of the value of education among Traveller and Roma communities.
  4. To improve attendance, participation and retention with the aim of improving the educational outcomes of Traveller and Roma students.
  5. To develop and promote community linkages and better connectivity between local services.
  6.  To promote respect for the cultural identity of the Traveller and Roma communities in education at a local level.
In 2023/2024, seven projects were supported under the scheme. A summary report can be found here