NTP Vision

Community development is valued as an effective means of achieving social change, and an autonomous and well-resourced local Traveller community development sector is in place, serving to advance equality, human rights, anti-racism and pride in culture and identity for Travellers

NTP Mission

Securing funding for, providing support for, setting standards for, and representing the interests of community development work by local Traveller organisations, providing a space for mutual support across these organisations.

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About the National Traveller Partnership

The National Traveller Partnership (NTP) is a network of 14 independent Traveller Community Development Projects. The work  of the NTP members is underpinned by the community work values as outlined in the All-Ireland Standards for Community Work.
Company Number: 499271  Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20153496

NTP Values

Community Work Approach

Community work, defined as a developmental activity comprised of both a task and a process underpins the work of the NTP and member organisations. The task is social change to achieve equality, social justice and human rights, and the process is the application of principles of participation, empowerment and collective decision making in a structured and co-ordinated way. 

NTP Members

Ballyfermot Traveller Action Project

Blanchardstown Traveller Development Group

Bray Traveller Community Development Project

Clondalkin Traveller Development Group

Donegal Traveller Project

Galway Traveller Movement

Meath Traveller Workshop

Mincéirí Port Láirge

Offaly Traveller Movement

St Margaret's, Ballymun

Tallaght Traveller Community Development Project

Tipperary Rural Travellers' Project


Wicklow Travellers Group

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre

National Traveller Women's Forum

Irish Traveller Movement